All New Anime Story Event Quests Locations – Halloween Update

The much-awaited Halloween Update has finally been released in Anime Story. As expected, the devs of Anime Story have added plenty of new things that will keep players hooked for more than a month.

There are plenty of things the devs added in the Anime Story Halloween Update but what people are currently searching for is Event Quests’ location.

With the new update, the devs added five Blue Quests (Event Quests) in Anime Story. The reason why players are having a hard time finding the location of every Event Quest is they are located on a different island or map.

If you are here to know their exact location then don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

Every Anime Story Event Quests Locations

The reason why people want to find and complete Event Quests in Anime Story is they provide enough Gems when completed.

There are five NPCs located on a different map of the Anime Story. If you want to earn Gems, you will have to find all new NPCs and get quests from them.

After taking quests, you will have to complete them. When you complete the quest, you will receive Gems and other in-game items as a reward.

Here are the locations of all Anime Story New NPCs:

1. Azen

The first NPC that you are required to find is called Azen. To find him in Anime Story, you will have to go to an Island called, Namekian Land.

2. Ken

To find the second NPC in Anime Story Halloween Update, you will have to head to the Hollow World. The name of the second NPC is Ken.

3. Melidas

The third NPC is also located in Namekian Land. If you have already found Azen in Anime Story, you can easily find Melidas in no time.

4. Enrico

The fourth NPC added in the Halloween update can be found on top of the Mountain, which is located in ‘Ruins of The City’.

The name of this NPC is Enrico.

5. Nun

The last and fifth NPC that you have to find in Anime Story is Nun. To find him, you will have to go to Church Of Hope island.

To find Nin in the Church Of Hope, you simply need to find the Church and go behind it. When you go there, you will find a Nun standing.

If you still are having trouble finding the exact location of newly added NPCs in Anime Story then watch the following YouTube video.

That’s everything you need to know about the location of Anime Story Event Quests.

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